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Envy - Motion Dressage Saddle

Envy Motion Dressage Saddle

Super comfy for horse & rider, the Motion is a stock saddle with a very forgiving fit. Featuring a broad, supportive seat for added comfort and an open pommel for greater wither clearance.


1. The Click System

Traditional saddles have panels stitched in by hand, which can be very time consuming for a saddle fitter to change, alter or replace. With a new hardware design, the Click System allows for the panels to click in and out effortlessly.

Available with all saddle models


2. Pressure Relief System

The Pressure Relief System (PRS) works with our redesigned tree to disperse the pressure of the rider evenly on the horse and to add stability. This also creates a high level of feedback and comfort when riding. Available with all saddle models.


3. Redesigned Tree

Our tree provides a flex for a higher freedom of movement and heightened feedback when riding your horse. We have completely redesigned the saddle’s tree by rethinking the shape and materials used to make it.


4. Great Quality Materials -The materials used in making our real leather models use hides from some of the best tanneries in Europe. Quality is super important to us, our saddles are made to last.


5. State of the art technology at a friendly price-tag. Experience technology and superb leather quality at an affordable price tag, due to our set-specifications models and fast production line.



The Envy Motion dressage saddle is made by the makers of Aviar, Custom, Wolfgang, Signature and Icon dressage saddles. It has been produced to offer a cost effective premium level, generic fitting dressage saddle to the range. 
Specifically the Envy Motion features a broad, supportive seat for added comfort and an open pommel for greater wither clearance.


Offering similar fitting credentials and all the same features as the other saddles in the saddlery's range, the Envy range are incredible value ! To be honest you would need to be an expert to tell the difference between the two.


These are exceptionally well built saddles that easily rival their more expensive counterparts. The Envy saddles are very serious dressage saddles.


Available in stock in 17.5", 17" & 18" to order.

Envy - Motion Dressage Saddle

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